Threading the Heddle
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Threading the heddle can seam intimidating (there are so many ends to work with and they're side by side, maybe on top of each other, in the same slot), but it doesn't have to be. It really doesn't matter which of the two ends you pull through the slot and which one goes through the hole, so long as for every pair one end stays in the slot and one goes through the nearest hole. Which hole? Well, that depends on which side of the loom you start on. I typically start on the right hand side, so I go through the hole to the right of the slot. If I start on the left hand side, then I'll go through the hole to the left of the slot. Will it irreparably damage your project if you start on the left and put the yarn through the hole to the right of the slot? Not at all. The important thing to remember is that wherever you start and whichever side of the slot you pull the yarn through, Be Consistent.